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This is the most common neuroma of the foot . It occurs between the third and fourth toes. It is sometimes referred to as an intermetatarsal neuroma. Jimbo i know where your coming from but during the fall of the viet empire guys did get sent to jail albeit whats 3 12 months when your sitting on a quarter mill when u get out. Anyways jails the best place to make connections. I know of a couple people who have got 9 mos tops for 500 or so plants, that goes down to about 3 with 1/3rd time and that was with shitty lawyers in small towns.

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I really didn't think I would see the Riders pounding the Winnipeg Blue Bombers 52 0 on a beautiful Sunday afternoon at Mosaic Stadium. I did think the Riders would win given the upheaval in Winnipeg. The stage was set for a Riders victory. I went to see the rehearsal last night. Yeah they never rehearsed. We played basketball instead.

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